Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is a form of hatha yoga that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of posture and your breath control.  What I first noticed was that there were a lot of props needed for this certain type of practice.  In other classes, teachers encourage using blocks if you cannot get into a pose or need help touching the ground.  In this class, Annie was telling us to use the block more often than other classes.  I liked this because I did not feel like the outcast using a block, it made more poses that I did not think i could get into more possible and we focused a lot more on the posture and where our arms and fingers were and where we were looking and where our gaze was during each pose.  At the end we used bands to do a stretch which I think would have been impossible for me to do without the band helping me. 


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